This list is just a small sample of the questions we frequently encounter. We encourage you to contact us if you need further explanation or should have additional questions.
Can I have a bon fire or burn brush in my yard? Yes. Burning outdoors, or open burning, is allowed in Eagle and Watertown Townships with a burning permit. Burning is limited to natural materials and must be attended at all times. The burning of construction material is not allowed. Visit our Open Burning page for more information.
Why did I get a bill?
In order to recover a portion of the cost of providing emergency services, Eagle and Watertown Townships have enacted a cost recovery ordinance. By ordinance, anyone receiving aid or assistance from the fire department can be billed a service fee for those services. Although the service was provided by the fire department, and the bill may appear to be from the fire department, the department is in no way involved in the billing process. Looking Glass Fire is not authorized to approve, negotiate, reduce, or waive a bill for service in anyway. All billing is conducted by the township offices, or a third-party company on behalf of the township offices. Questions and comments regarding your bill should be directed to the appropriate township office. Contact information is available on the bill or at our Links page.
If you are uncertain which township your incident occurred in, please feel free to contact the fire station and we can assist you.
What is my ISO Rating?
The ISO Rating for Looking Glass Fire is 7 / 9 / 10. Your rating depends on where you live in the township. The chart below will help you determine what the ISO Rating is for your property. For additional information visit our ISO Rating page. Feel free to contact us if you should have additional questions about ISO.
With Fire Hydrant*
Without Fire Hydrant
Eagle Township
Village of Eagle
Watertown Township
*With Fire Hydrant = within 1000' of a fire hydrant (Lansing Board of Water and Light or City of Grand Ledge)
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