Important Community Information Serving You Before the Emergency
On January 14th, the members of Looking Glass Fire put away their emergency equipment and headed for "Hair and Makeup" (so to speak) as television production crews stormed the station to film Fire and EMS Safety Commercials. The informative commercials were developed in cooperation with local communication consultants, Serkaian Communications, Inc. Funding for the project was obtained by a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Public Service Announcements aired on WILX Channel 10 from January through April.
View the Fire Safety spot, available on YouTube...
In Case of Emergency - ICE
If you have a serious accident or should suddenly fall ill, who should we contact? With most people carrying cell phones these days, the answer is ICE - In Case of Emergency. By making a simple entry into your phone book, emergency personnel can quickly and easily contact the people who need to know about your incident. In the event of an emergency, we will check your cell phone for an ICE entry and make the call. More importantly, if you can not speak for yourself, someone in your phone book knows your medical condition, what medications you take, and what allergies you may have. This vital information could save your life. So if we come to your aid, who should we call? ICE
Not sure what to enter? Try one of these examples: ICE-wife, ICE-husband, ICE-mom, ICE-dad, ICE-Bill, ICE-Mary, ICE #1, ICE #2, ICE #3, etc.
Blood Pressure Checks
What's Your Number? If you don't know you Should! By tracking your blood pressure you could identify possible changes to your health that may be life threatening. Stop by the fire station and we'll check it for you. We can even provide you with a card to chart any changes. Stop in to see us, we would love to "Get Your Number."
Smoke Detectors
True or False, the most common cause of death in a house fire is severe burns. False! The most common cause of death in a house fire is smoke inhalation. Although only a small portion of your home may burn, most of it will be damaged by toxic smoke. The single most important safety device you can have is a properly functioning smoke detector. If you don't have one on each level of your home and one near your bedroom, PLEASE install them. Township residents are welcome to stop by the station and we'll give you one free of charge.
OK, so you checked the batteries, but did you check the date? The sensor in older smoke detectors occasionally fail. In addition to checking the batteries we also recommend that you check the date. It is suggested that you replace your smoke detectors every ten (10) years just in case.